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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Catholic""
Ask the Beasts Elizabeth A. Johnson on the Christian hope that the promise of new life after death extends to our pets and to all creatures.
Silent Compassion Richard Rohr on how the dualistic mind is constantly judging others and is at war with patience and humility.
Citizen of the World Donald Dunson and James Dunson on discovering an ethical appeal in the face of the other.
Blessed By Less Susan V. Vogt's Rules of Thumb for Living Lightly.
Discernment Henri J. M. Nouwen on listening for God's word in God's time (kairos).
Discernment Matters Mary Margaret Funk on how retreats polish our souls.
Lectio Matters Mary Margaret Funk on how the Little Way can be practiced every day.
Believing Eugene Kennedy on how faith can make us whole.
The Color of Gratitude A poem on joy by Catholic Bishop Robert Morneau.
The Sign of the Cross Bert Ghezzi on the power of the sign of the cross.